Items of Interest from the Goldenwood West
POA Office
October 1, 2009
Board of Trustee Elections
The Annual Meeting of the Goldenwood West Property Owner’s Association (GWW POA) will be held at 8:00 PM on Wednesday, November 18, 2009 at the Wizard Academy’s Tuscan Hall, 16221 Crystal Hills Drive [Note: the location of this meeting is changed to the GWW Pavilion], as prescribed by the GWW Bylaws. All GWW POA members are encouraged to attend to meet neighbors, express concerns, learn about community projects, discuss plans for the future and also vote in our annual Board of Trustees (BOT) election.
Three BOT positions will be open for election on November 18th. The positions are two-year terms beginning January 1, 2010 and ending December 31, 2011.
Current BOT Officers:
Aleasha Brandon elected 11/2008
term ends 12/2010 |
* Steve Johnson elected 11/2007
term ends 12/2009 |
* Penny Jungerman elected 11/2007
term ends 12/2009 |
* Brian Laws elected 11/2008
terms ends 12/2010 (resigning) |
Audrey Pudder elected 11/2006, 2nd term 11/2008
term ends 12/2010 |
* 3 positions open for election |
You may nominate candidates for the Board of Trustees by submitting your nominations to the POA Administrator or a BOT member no later than October 31st for inclusion on the proxy to be mailed out November 2nd. A POA member may nominate oneself or any member in good standing that is willing to serve. You may complete the enclosed form to submit your nomination and drop in the POA box at the mail station.
You are invited to attend the Annual Meeting and vote in person. If you prefer to vote by proxy you must file your proxy with the POA Secretary, Steve Johnson, at or before the beginning time of the meeting. You will be given the option to assign your proxy to the Administrator or any other POA member who will file your proxy with the Secretary before the beginning of the meeting.
National Night Out – Goldenwood West’s 4th annual NNO party will be on Tuesday, October 6th at 7:00 PM at the pavilion. All property owners are invited to attend the potluck to meet neighbors and learn about the Neighborhood Watch program. Iced tea and dinnerware will be provided and any dishes are welcome. All property owners and friends who are musicians are encouraged to bring their instruments and share their music. For more information, please contact our GWW Neighborhood Watch Coordinators: Rick Bondurant at or Margaret Paine at
Neighborhood Poll
The results are in from the August Neighborhood Poll; 83 responses were received from our 171 lots (152 property owner households). You may review the results on the GWW website by following this link: The Board of Trustees thanks the many property owners who responded and helped to establish a dialogue for us all to better know our neighborhood. In response to the interest shown for playground equipment in the recreation area, the Board is currently researching tasteful muted-color playground equipment with a strong safety record. The Board is also excited about the prospect of installing a small basketball court near the tennis court but has decided that in order to maintain the pool and other improvements already in place without raising dues, only one new project will be pursued next year. Other potential projects for 2010 include trimming the oak trees in the common area, adding two more chaise lounges to the pool area and installing a new pool salt system to assist in maintaining safe chlorine levels while preserving the surface of the pool. The Board will finalize the 2010 budget at the next BOT meeting on October 12th at 6:30 PM at the pavilion. The poll also revealed more property owners in favor of keeping our mail service with the Oak Hill post office instead of requesting a change to the Driftwood post office.
The Board thanks those who responded and will not request a change. The results of the poll will be kept for future consideration and passed to new Board members to provide perspective on neighborhood preferences.
The GWW Treasurer, Audrey Pudder, recommends that property owners consider changing their POA billing method to emailed billing (E-Statements) in order to save POA costs on paper, ink and postage. Audrey has calculated that the 44 property owners who have signed up for E-Statements are saving the POA $175 a year in postage alone. All pool and tennis court combination updates and messages from the Board or POA office now being sent with your monthly statements can all easily be communicated through email. The only post office mailing to property owners required by the Bylaws is information regarding the Annual Meeting and distribution of the annual budget. To add your name to the list of property owners receiving E-Statements, please contact the Administrator:
APC Yard of the Month
The Architectural & Protective Committee proudly recognizes Yard of the Month winners Tammy Guthrie of 8301 Arboles Circle for the month of August and Rafael and Connie Mendoza of 17108 Whitetail Run for the month of September. The committee thanks these property owners for maintaining well-kept and tasteful yards. The APC emphasizes that during this time of drought, it is not advocating water usage to beautify yards, but recognizing properties that are well maintained and which add value to our neighborhood.
Recreation Area Maintenance and Reservations
In an effort to better maintain our common area, the Board of Trustees has hired a new service to clean the restroom and pavilion. In addition, the Board has revised the reservation procedures for the recreation area and has added a clean-up checklist to the Recreation Area Reservation Form. The new reservation form may be accessed on the GWW website under the “Resources for Residents” icon. The Board also requests that all property owners assist in keeping the area clean by disposing of trash, cigarette butts and discarded bottles in the trash can.
Lost keys
The POA office has collected several sets of keys left at or around the mail station this summer; three sets contain mail keys. If you have lost a set of keys, contact the Administrator to claim.
Pool & Tennis Court Combination Change
The combination to the pool and tennis court will change for the last time this year on October 5th. The new code is printed in the statements of property owners in good standing (accounts paid current or no more than 30 days past due).
Upcoming Meetings
10/06/2009 – National Night Out @ 7:00 PM at the pavilion.
10/08/2009 – APC @ 6:30 PM at the pavilion.
10/12/2009 – BOT @ 6:30 PM at the pavilion.
11/18/2009 – Annual Meeting @ 8:00 PM at Wizard Academy’s Tuscan Hall, 16221 Crystal Hills Drive.
Business Sponsor
Marsh-Vorspan Partners
Office Phone: (512) 450-0305
Office Fax: (512) 292-1493
Marsh-Vorspan is a member of NARI, the National Association of the Remodeling Industry, Austin Energy Green Building Program, HBA Greater Austin and the Better Business Bureau. We are also a Certified Remodeler, certified by NARI. |