News for our community is prepared by our administrator and sent to residents with their monthly statements. An online version of the newsletter will be available soon. For ongoing news from our neighborhood, visit the neighborhood's GWW Facebook page.

If you are interested in joining the Architectural and Protective Committee (APC), please contact the GWW administrator at 858.9528 or attend a meeting of the APC or Board of Trustees (BOT).

New Residents are strongly encouraged to visit our Resources for Residents page for helpful information.

To learn whether a burn ban is currently in effect for GWW, call the Hays County Sheriff's Department at 512.393.7896.

To learn the date of the next APC meeting, please contact the GWW administrator at 858.9528.

Minutes for BOT meetings may be obtained by written (or emailed) request to our GWW administrator.

Suspicious individuals should be reported to the sheriff’s office immediately. Dial 911 or 512.393.7896 for the information line.

Please report sightings of coyotes in the subdivision to the GWW administrator at 858.9528.

Site design by ZP

The Architectural & Protective Committee (APC) is always looking for property owners interested in serving as subcommittee members. Subcommitte members cannot vote on issues, but may participate in discussions on issues before the Committee. This is a good way for members to become familiar with the work of the Committee, and a natural training position for members who wish to be appointed to serve on the Committee. The APC reviews plans for property improvements and enforces the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions of Goldenwood West.