Items of Interest from the Goldenwood West
POA Office
June 1, 2009
Pool Rules & New Gate Combination
As the swim season gets underway, the Board of Trustees reminds all property owners to take ownership of our neighborhood amenities. In order to keep our pool and tennis court secure for our property owners and also to increase awareness of the importance of keeping our common area safe and clean, the Board is changing the gate combination to the pool and tennis court every month during the busy summer season. The code will change this month on June 5th, the new code is printed on the statements of all property owners in good standing (accounts no more than 30 days past due). When passing along the new combination to your teenagers, please remember that this can be used as an opportunity to review the pool rules to ensure that everyone is on their best behavior when using our neighborhood facilities. The pool rules posted on the outside of the pool fence read:
No animals inside fence area
No glass inside fence area
Guests must be accompanied by Goldenwood West property owner
Children under 12 years of age must be accompanied by guardian 18 or older
The hours for the pool are 6 AM to 10 PM.
Please remind children and adults to not stand on the gate handles or use our new pool furniture to climb over the fence. Repairs to the area are financed by property owner dues and the pool code can easily be obtained from the statement or a call to the Administrator. Because the POA’s liability insurance requires that our pool gates remain closed, the Board is installing a new hydraulic hinge on each gate to ensure they close automatically. Please do not prop the gates open with rocks or furniture. And finally, please remember that this is your pool that your dues support, please help us all take care of our recreation area.
If you would like to have the pool code emailed to you each month, sign up for emailed billing: email the Administrator with your request at
Neighborhood Security
Neighbors from Goldenwood West, Goldenwood and Radiance met with Deputy Debbie Brown from the sheriff’s department at the GWW Pavilion on Saturday, May 16th to discuss neighborhood security issues. The attending neighbors discussed the feasibility of installing a security camera at either the GWW entrance or with the other neighborhoods along Crystal Hills Drive. Deputy Brown emphasized the importance of neighbors actively watching each other’s homes and not hesitating to call the sheriff’s department at 911 to investigate anything suspicious. And she also suggested that all home owners keep a list of serial numbers of important possessions; in the event that the items are stolen, the serial numbers can help the sheriff’s department track the items back their owner. The Board thanks those property owners who attended the meeting. If you do not receive Neighborhood Watch emails you may sign up for the NW email list at
A neighborhood security issue that some property owners have voiced concerns over is how to tell the difference between census workers and con artists who go door to door. The Better Business Bureau addresses this issue in an article on the Better Business Bureau website: The advice from the article states:
If a U.S. Census worker knocks on your door, they will have a badge, a handheld device, a Census Bureau canvas bag and a confidentiality notice. Ask to see their identification and their badge before answering their questions. However, you should never invite anyone you don’t know into your home. While the Census Bureau might ask for basic financial information, such as a salary range, it will not ask for Social Security, bank account or credit card numbers nor will employees solicit donations. Eventually, Census workers may contact you by telephone, mail or in person at home. However, they will not contact you by e-mail, so be on the look out for e-mail scams impersonating the Census. Never click on a link or open any attachments in an e-mail that are supposedly from the U.S. Census Bureau.
On a final note regarding security, the Board is installing a “No Soliciting” sign at our entrance; it will be a nicely painted cedar sign with lettering to match the entry sign. It will be placed in the entry bed landscaping to be visible when turning onto Westview Trail from Crystal Hills. There have been incidents of suspicious persons going door to door acting as solicitors who may have actually been “casing” the homes in our neighborhood. Installing this sign may not deter all burglars, but it will inform intruders that we do have a no soliciting policy and do not welcome people going door to door. Any solicitors may be informed that our neighborhood has a no soliciting policy and we have partnered with the sheriff’s department who will investigate anything or anyone suspicious. A sign will also be posted on the bulletin board.
Your Property Owner’s Association
Our neighborhood Association is made up of volunteers from the Goldenwood West community. The Association employs one part time employee to maintain the books, our Administrator Nova who is also a property owner, but the rest of the work of running our organization is done by your volunteer neighbors. You are encouraged to participate in your organization to contribute your own ideas and projects to help better our community. Feel free to attend a Board meeting to hear what projects are underway; or if you have an idea, bring your research to a meeting for the Board to review. Or, you may even put your own ideas into practice by serving on our Board of Trustees or Architectural & Protective Committee. Our organization and neighborhood stays strong with your support and participation.
APC Yard of the Month
The Architectural & Protective Committee proudly recognizes Yard of the Month winners Jack and Sharon Gaskill of 16809 Westview Trail. Congratulations neighbors. The APC recognizes how much your hard work in maintaining your property adds to our neighborhood. The APC will choose another yard to recognize at the June 10th APC meeting. The committee emphasizes that the criteria it uses to select properties for the Yard of the Month recognition are simply a yard that is well maintained which adds value to our neighborhood.
4th of July Parade & Picnic
Plans are underway for our Annual 4th of July Parade & Picnic. We have built a true sense of community in years past as property owners come together to meet at the water well with decorated bikes and even a vintage car and march or ride together with the DVFD fire truck to the pavilion. A hamburger and hotdog picnic follows as everyone enjoys the day swimming at the pool with friends and neighbors. If you are interested in assisting with this year’s effort please contact the Administrator, more details are on the way…
Recreation Area Reservations
Property owners may reserve the pavilion or picnic area for a four hour time frame with a $60 deposit. Details and rules are listed on the reservation form which may be found at the mail station or on the website. If you are interested in making a reservation, return the completed form to the Administrator with your deposit via the mail station POA box or regular mail. The Administrator will call you to confirm availability.
Upcoming Meetings 06/08/2009 – BOT @ 6:30 PM at the pavilion.
Agenda items include – Neighborhood security, possible zip code change, road improvements. 06/10/2009 – APC @ 6:30 PM at the pavilion.
Business Sponsor
Marsh-Vorspan Partners
Office Phone: (512) 450-0305
Office Fax: (512) 292-1493
Marsh-Vorspan is a member of NARI, the National Association of the Remodeling Industry, Austin Energy Green Building Program, HBA Greater Austin and the Better Business Bureau. We are also a Certified Remodeler, certified by NARI. |