Items of Interest from the Goldenwood West
POA Office
April 1, 2009
After Taxes Neighborhood Potluck Supper!
Saturday, April 18th at 6 PM at the Pavilion
The Potluck Committee has organized our first potluck of the year. “Spring has sprung, the taxes are done, let’s get together!” Please come out to the pavilion to meet your neighbors and enjoy good food and fellowship. Bring a covered dish to share (appetizers, main dish, sides, salads, or desserts); paper plates, napkins, cups, plastic ware and iced tea will be provided. Thanks to our Potluck Committee volunteers: Jan Greening, Vanessa Kolar and Marie Bassett.
Common Area Improvements
The Board of Trustees is proud to announce many new improvements in the common area. The tennis courts have been resurfaced by K-Courts and the pavilion planting beds and the entry sign beds have been irrigated by Shawn Dane and Agave Nursery and Landscape. Also, the iron gates at the pool have been repaired to close properly and we also have new pool furniture. The Board’s latest project is to upgrade the pool equipment to follow the new safety legislation of the Virginia Graham Baker Act. The pool is currently closed and the Board plans to have these new measures in place as soon as possible. When the pool reopens, a notice will be posted on the bulletin board and an email will be sent. The pool and tennis court code will not change until May 5th; the new code will be listed in the statements to be sent on May 1st.
Burglaries in Goldenwood & Goldenwood West
On the morning of March 9th, there were two burglaries in our area, one in Goldenwood West and another in Goldenwood. Drawers and closets were rifled and electronics, jewelry and large appliances were taken. If anyone saw anything suspicious, please call the Sheriff’s Department at 512-393-7896. The Board thanks all property owners who have made suggestions for security measures and is actively researching options within Goldenwood West and possibly within the extended neighborhood with Goldenwood and Radiance. Please keep your vehicles and homes locked, keep watching your neighbors’ properties and also keep supporting our Neighborhood Watch program. You may sign up for NW emails at
New APC Member
The Board and APC welcome property owner Susan Ruthenbeck as our newest APC member. Thanks to Susan for dedicating her time to the community.
Volunteer Opportunities
There are many ways to become involved in the community and our volunteer committees are always looking for extra help. We have a Welcome Committee to personally say hello to new residents, a Landscape Committee to plan additions to our planting beds in the common area, an Appreciation Committee to thank the volunteers who offer their time to the neighborhood and also the Potluck Committee to organize neighborhood get-togethers. If you are interested in participating on any of these committees or if you would like to start a new one, please contact the Administrator at
Emailed Billing
If you would prefer to receive your GWW POA statement via email instead of regular mail, please email the Administrator with your specified email address.
Request emailed statement –
Bulletin Board
If you are interested in posting a flyer on the bulletin board at the mail station, please drop it in the white POA box. Flyers will be rotated as new material is submitted and business cards will be placed at the bottom of the bulletin board to be removed at year-end. Content will be at the discretion of the Administrator.
Recreation Area Reservations
Property owners may reserve the pavilion or picnic area for a four hour time frame with a $60 deposit. Details and rules are listed on the reservation form which may be found at the mail station or on the website. If you are interested in making a reservation, return the completed form to the Administrator with your deposit via the mail station POA box or regular mail. The Administrator will call you to confirm availability.
Website and Neighborhood Email
The Board thanks Margaret Paine for continuing to maintain our website and distributing Neighborhood Watch emails and general neighborhood information emails to our property owners. The Board also thanks Rick Bondurant for continuing the Neighborhood Watch duties when Margaret is away. Our website is and you may be added to the neighborhood email list by contacting Margaret at
Upcoming Meetings 04/08/2009 – APC @ 6:30 PM at the pavilion. 04/13/2009 – BOT @ 7:00 PM at the pavilion. 04/18/2009 - After Taxes Neighborhood Potluck Supper @ 6 PM at the pavilion.
Business Sponsor
Marsh-Vorspan Partners
Office Phone: (512) 450-0305
Office Fax: (512) 292-1493
Marsh-Vorspan is a member of NARI, the National Association of the Remodeling Industry, Austin Energy Green Building Program, HBA Greater Austin and the Better Business Bureau. We are also a Certified Remodeler, certified by NARI. |