Archived newsletters (click on date to review)
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



2011 2012    
Jan March May July Sept Nov            

Board of Trustees News

Goldenwood West (GWW) property owners in attendance at the meeting held at the neighborhood pavilion on Nov. 22, 2003, elected Lisa Boyer and Margaret Paine to fill positions on the Board of Trustees (BOT) vacated by John Anderson and Gina Crouchet . At their first meeting of the new year on January 7th the following officers were elected within the BOT: President, Dena Seligman; Vice President, Lisa Boyer; Treasurer, Delbert Bassett; Secretary, Margaret Paine; Trustee, Tom Watson.

House Numbers Our fire department has made an earnest request that homeowners in our neighborhood display easy-to-read house numbers on all homes. Please ensure that vegetation or other materials are not obscuring your house number. The safety of your family members may depend on the ability of emergency personnel to locate your home quickly, day or night.

What about a party? BOT member Lisa Boyer has offered to be the contact person for any members who would be interested in planning a Meet Your Neighbor party or other social event. Email a message to Lisa via the site webmaster. It would be helpful if you put "Neighborhood Party" in the subject line.

Clubs and a Bartering Service Some of our members have raised the question of whether there is any interest in GWW in establishing a bartering service where members can publicize their professions/skills and trade time for services. There has also been mention of starting a Garden Club, a moms’ group, and a Bunko group. If you have an interest in these or other ideas for our neighborhood, contact the editor. Contact information is listed on the last page of this newsletter.Website for Goldenwood West The BOT approved a proposal made by member Margaret Paine to design and publish an informational website for our neighborhood at no cost to the POA. In the interest of making this site as useful as possible for the neighborhood, any residents who have suggestions for content which they would like to see on the site are encouraged to contact Margaret at or 894-0903.

Please remember that all meetings of the BOT and the APC are open to the homeowners.  The dates and times are posted on the mail station bulletin board.  Attend a meeting to learn what is going on in your neighborhood.

Neighborhood Recognition
The Architectural and Protective Committee (APC) recognized the following Property owners’ yards for outstanding holiday yard decorations:
1st Place: Terry and Elizabeth Dunk
2nd Place: Ron and Linda McGuire
3rd Place: Jerry and Rita Stanley
Honorable Mention: John and Debbie Anderson
Honorable Mention: Charlie and Dena Seligman
The APC will recognize another yard in the spring, so you have time to get your yard in shape!

News from the APC

The APC is looking for a new member to fill a recently vacated position.  This neighborhood committee meets once a month to review applications for property improvements and complaints of violations of the Goldenwood West Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CCRs). The committee is comprised of 3 property owners who are interested in enforcing the CCRs and keeping up with current issues in our neighborhood. The APC is scheduled to meet on January 20 and February 17 at 7:00 p.m. Loose Dogs The Hays County Animal Control Ordinance states: “Dogs are to be restrained by a leash or fence, unless the owner is on the property and is able to verbally command the animal to stay on his/her property. If the animal is found unrestrained, Hays County Animal Control can either issue a citation to the owner (if the owner is known) or impound the animal at PAWS Animal Shelter in Kyle, Texas. All dogs are required to be current on their rabies vaccinations. All dogs are required to be licensed through Hays County.”  Goldenwood West Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions state: “No pets, animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on any Lot, except that: (a) Domestic pets may be kept confined at all times inside any residence on a Lot; and (b) No more than two dogs, may be kept for non-commercial purposes for each full Lot if fenced in a manner and location acceptable to the Committee and if never allowed to run at large within the Subdivision. No animal(s) may be kept which, in the sole discretion of the Committee, shall create any noise or odor nuisance.”  If you see a loose dog, contact Hays County Animal Control at (512) 393-7896 and request that the animal be picked up. Be sure to document the date and time of the call. Please note the owner and owner’s address, if known. If there has been no resolution after three calls within any 30-day period, please contact the APC with your documentation for further action. Continue to call Hays County Animal Control and document any further violations.

News from the GWW Water Board

The next water board meeting will be held on Jan. 21 at 7:00 p.m. at the Pavilion.

Helpful Information

Area Churches

Driftwood Methodist Church
Located on the corner of RR 150 and County Road 170 (Elder Hill Road) in beautiful Driftwood, Texas.
Services are:Sunday School/Bible Study 9:30 a.m., SundayWorship Service 10:45 a.m., Sunday.

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
1700 Woodland Ave. Austin, Texas 78741
A Community of Disciples Making Disciples in the Midst of Joyful Contemporary Worship with Biblical Teaching and Preaching in the Episcopal Tradition.  Located on Woodland Ave. 1 block from I-35 in Austin.

St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church
1012 Post Oak (just north of RR 12, one mile east of Hwy 290)
Dripping Springs, TX  78620
(512) 858-5667 Fax (512) 858-1467
Masses: Saturday, 5:00 p.m.; Sunday, 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. (English), 2:00 p.m. (Spanish)
Weekday masses on Monday, 10:00 a.m.; Tuesday through Friday at Noon

Dripping Springs United Methodist Church
Rev. Andy Smith, Pastor28900 Ranch Rd 12, Dripping Springs
Worship Services Sunday at 8:30, 9:45, & 11:00 a.m.Sunday School at 9:45 a.m.

Helpful Information

For useful reference information, such as a listing of area churches and telephone numbers for important local contacts, please go to our neighborhood web site at or contact the webmaster.

This newsletter published for:

Goldenwood West
Property Owners’ Association
16200 Westview Trail
Austin, TX 78737-9068
(512) 858-9528 office

Please direct comments, articles, email subscriptions and inquiries regarding advertisements to the above address.

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Archived newsletters (click on date to review)

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



2011 2012    
Jan March May July Sept Nov