of Trustees News
Neighborhood web site Please
visit our new neighborhood web site at
(please note that the prefix is gww, not www). The
site is 90% complete, and the designer is requesting
feedback from the community on the usefulness and
usability of the site. Comments may be emailed to
the webmaster.
We hope our residents will be pleased with this new
resource as it continues to be developed.
Dogs Still a problem
in our neighborhood, barking dogs are greatly troubling
some of our residents. We earnestly request all dog
owners to keep their pets from disturbing their neighbors.
Your barking dog may be seriously affecting the comfort
of young children and their mothers, our elderly
residents, and those suffering with severe illness.
Please be considerate pet owners.
Dogs who leave their property to chase or bark at pedestrians must be
controlled. Everyone in Goldenwood West has the right to enjoy walks
in our beautiful area without worrying about dogs bothering them. If
you do have a negative experience with a dog, please consider approaching
the dog’s owner first to acquaint them with the fact that their
pet is causing you distress. This is the neighborly thing to do, and
most people are very apologetic when they discover their pet has troubled
someone. If the injured person can’t bring themselves to approach
the owner, or has not received a satisfactory response, please call Hays
County Animal Control at 512-393-7896.
For the purpose of educating our residents, we will be presenting information
from the Hays County Animal Control Ordinance in three parts, beginning
with this newsletter. The first topic is dogs running at large and public
The Hays County
Animal Control Ordinance prohibits dogs from running at large and
animals creating a public nuisance. The animal may be impounded
for 72 hours, not counting weekends and holidays. Subject to citation
for violation of this order and approval by the Animal Control
Officer of a plan to eliminate any public nuisance caused by the
animal, an owner may claim the animal within the 72 hour time period
after paying in full all incurred costs and impoundment fees. Upon
failure of the owner to contact the Animal Control Officer during
the 72 hour time period, the Animal Control Officer may order the
animal destroyed without compensation to the owner. Any person
who violates a provision of Section 8 (of this order) shall be
guilty of a Class C misdemeanor. |
Sodding for the Pool Area The
improved area around our community pool has been protected from erosion
during the winter through the generous efforts of local volunteers.
However as the weather warms up, this winter rye grass will begin
to die off. In order to protect our investment in improvements to
the common area, sod will need to be laid around the pavilion. We
have funds set aside for purchasing the sod, but would like to save
money on installation by asking our members to volunteer some of
their time for this purpose. The sod will be laid in early April,
possibly on the weekend before Easter. If you can spare an hour or
two for this good cause, please contact the webmaster.
Volunteers will be notified once a firm date has been set.
Firearms A resident
reported hearing gunshots during the night near the
mailstation a few weeks ago, and saw evidence that
someone shot a deer there and took it away. Please
be aware that our bylaws strictly prohibit discharging
firearms of any kind in the neighborhood. Stray shots
could endanger our residents. For the safety of our
children, please report any use of firearms in Goldenwood
West to the sheriff’s office promptly.
Oak Wilt Since Oak
Wilt has been identified as a potential problem in our
area, members are encouraged to visit the following web
site for information on this important subject: plant
Welcome Wagon There
has long been interest expressed for establishment of
a Welcome Wagon committee to greet new residents. We
are happy to announce that Elizabeth Dunk has graciously
volunteered to be the contact person for this committee.
Volunteers who are willing to bake a cake or cookies
for the committee to bring to the new neighbor, as well
as people interested in actually making the visit, are
invited to contact the webmaster.
Attention Book Lovers Several
residents are interested in starting a neighborhood book
group in which all participants read the same book and
then get together to discuss it. We will probably
meet monthly at a regularly set time. If you are
interested in participating, please call Karen Hayward
at 894-4002 or email:
Other Clubs Residents
have expressed interest in forming several clubs. Please
contact the following people if you are interested in
participating. If you have another idea for a local club
or if you would like to lead a group, contact the editor.
Clubs forming at this time: Bunko Group (Lisa Boyer–858-1707),
Garden Club (need a leader), Mom’s Group (need
a leader), Naturalist Group (this group will meet to
hike around the neighborhood looking at our flora and
fauna, Tom Watson–
News from the APC
The open position on the APC has been filled. Currently your committee
members are Julie Richards, Charlie Seligman and Al Vargo. The committee
would also like to welcome Eric Russell as a new sub-committee member.
Most Beautiful Yards The APC would
like to announce that Spring Yard Recognition will be taking place
in April. The best yard will be recognized in the May newsletter.
News from the GWW Water Board
The next water board meeting is March 24 at 7:00 p.m. at the Pavilion.
This meeting will include a Public Hearing to discuss the 2003 rate study
and proposed water rate increase that will be effective April 01, 2004.
Remember that meeting dates and times appear at the bottom of members’ bills
each month.
The TCEQ (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality), who permits and
monitors our wells, is concerned about surface contamination of our best
well (which has the highest volume output, recharge rate, and water quality)
and issued a warning to us to improve the treatment process or face closure
of the well. The water in this well contains organisms that normally
occur on the surface (mostly microscopic, unicellular organisms other
than bacteria) and not in subterranean waters. Our well(s) do NOT have
E. coli or other bacteria which would indicate sewage contamination.
The present chlorination process kills all the known organisms in the
water; but, the TCEQ is concerned about the potential for contamination
by the enteric protozoans Microsporidium and Giardi (a common contaminate
in ponds and streams). While chlorination kills the cells of these protozoans,
the process will NOT kill the thick-walled, reproductive cysts formed
by Microsporidium and Giardi. The water tests conducted by the TCEQ on
our well(s) have NOT indicated the presence of these protozoans, however
the potential for contamination by them exists and the TCEQ has thusly
forced the water board to take corrective action. The new filtration
system, recently purchased and now being installed, will remove not only
the protozoans but also their cysts. The water will continue to be chlorinated
in order to kill any micro-organisms (e.g., bacteria) that are not removed
by filtration.
Neighborhood History: Friday Mountain
“ The sights, sounds, odors, and especially the feel of the place stimulate
in me memories so warm and intimate that taking up residence here seems more
like a homecoming than an escape.” This is how famous Texas author, Roy
Bedichek, describes Friday Mountain Ranch in his “Adventures with a Texas
Naturalist.” Friday Mountain, now also known as Barsana Hill, got its name
because the surveyors arrived to record its height of 1060 feet above sea level
on a Friday.
The ranch, consisting of 630 acres along Bear Creek, was the site of
the Johnson Institute. Thomas Jefferson Johnson, born in Virginia in
1805, founded the boarding school in 1852, originally for boys only,
but soon girls were admitted. It may have been the first secondary school
in Texas, west of the R. Colorado. By the time of his sudden death in
1868, there were 200 students.
Johnson was a colorful character, a strict disciplinarian, but well loved
by his students. His hair, resembling an overgrown flat-top in a photograph
in Bandera’s Frontier Museum, earned him the nickname of ‘Old
Bristle Top.’ The school was a family affair, with Mrs. Johnson
and four of their six children on the teaching staff. Son Benjamin kept
the school going until 1872 when Friday Mountain Ranch was sold. It passed
through several hands before Lewis Cass Kemp bought it in 1908. Like
his neighbor, Role Christal, the twice-married Kemp had a large family.
His 23 children were all of an age with the 22 Christals. The Kemps had
a little more space in the L-shaped Johnson Institute with its 10 rooms,
2 halls, and 2 bathrooms, albeit unplumbed!
The young Kemps loved to stand outside hollering, listening to their
voices echoing off the bluffs. They made even more noise at Christmas
time, blasting dynamite on top of Friday Mountain, to the consternation
of those living within a fifteen mile radius.
The Kemps grew cotton, corn, and sorghum, and raised cattle, horses,
mules, and hogs that fended for themselves in the woods in the fall and
winter. Rattlesnakes were a problem, there being a den of them under
Mr. and Mrs. Kemp’s bedroom floor. Son Willie Kemp said, “When
a rattlesnake was discovered, especially under the bed, it had Pa ‘treed’ till
he could work out a plan to get out of bed.” Sometimes, the children
were ordered to remove it with a hoe or a rake until Pa could take over!
The Kemps made no special effort to get rid of the snakes. As Willie
said, “… one thing, we were never plagued with rats!”
In 1922, Lewis Kemp sold the Institute to his son, Tom, who remained
there until 1942. Because of heavy infestations of horehound and other
noxious weeds, he ran a large flock of sheep and goats. He also raised
corn and feed crops. Cotton was no longer important because of the boll
weevil infestation.
Dr. Walter Prescott Webb, professor of history at UT Austin, was the
next owner. He wanted “to preserve the building and to restore
it as nearly as possible to its original state” and was “determined
to restore its depleted grassland and water.” Throughout the drought-ridden
1940s and 1950s, Dr. Webb cut down the encroaching juniper to allow the
oaks and grass to flourish, and broadcast grass seed and fertilizer.
It was during this period that Dr. Webb encouraged authors, including
Roy Bedichek and J. Frank Dobie, to visit Friday Mountain for lively
literary discussions. Bedichek went into seclusion there for a year to
write his book, “Adventures with a Texas Naturalist.”
In 1946, Webb encouraged his friend, Rodney J. Kidd, to run a boys’ summer
camp at the Institute. Then, from 1949 until 1956, sixth-grade students
would come out from Austin for five day stays, stressing nature study,
self-reliance, and the pioneer spirit. Webb sold the ranch in 1963 to
Kidd, who kept the buildings in good order. The following year the Texas
Historical Commission designated the Johnson Institute a Recorded Texas
Historic Landmark.
By 1991, only 105 acres of Friday Mountain Ranch belonged to the Kidd
family. Two hundred acres, including the Johnson Institute, had been
purchased by the International Society of Divine Love, becoming Barsana
Dham. Friday Mountain was said to be reminiscent of Barsana Hill in the
holy land of Braj in India. In 1995, the Temple of Shree Raseshwari Radhi
Rani, the largest Hindu temple in the United States, was dedicated. But,
by 1992, the Texas Historical Commission had voted to revoke the Johnson
Institute’s Recorded Texas Historic Landmark designation because
of the extensive alterations that had been made to the building.
“ The sights, sounds, odors” that attracted Roy Bedichek half a century
ago are very different today. Friday Mountain still stands sentinel, overlooking “billowy
rise after rise growing evermore purplish and smoky in the distance,” now
dotted with ever increasing signs of human habitation.
• J. Marie Bassett
Helpful Information
Area Churches
Driftwood Methodist Church.
Located on the corner of RR 150 and County Road 170 (Elder Hill Road)
in beautiful Driftwood, Texas.
Services are:Sunday School/Bible Study 9:30 a.m., Sunday Worship Service
10:45 a.m., Sunday.
Dripping Springs United Methodist ChurchRev. Andy Smith, Pastor28900
Ranch Rd 12, Dripping SpringsWorship Services Sunday at 8:30, 9:45, & 11:00
a.m.Sunday School at 9:45 a.m.
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
1700 Woodland Ave. Austin, Texas 78741
A Community of Disciples Making Disciples in the Midst of Joyful
Contemporary Worship with Biblical Teaching and Preaching in the Episcopal
Tradition. Located on Woodland Ave. 1 block from I-35 in Austin.
St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church
1012 Post Oak (just north of RR 12, one mile east of Hwy 290 )
Dripping Springs, TX 78620
(512) 858-5667
Fax (512) 858-1467
Masses: Saturday, 5:00 p.m.; Sunday, 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. (English),
2:00 p.m. (Spanish)
Weekday masses on Monday, 10:00 a.m.; Tuesday through Friday at Noon
If you would like to have your church represented on this list, please
send the information to the editor and we will gladly publicize your
church’s services and location.
Coldwell Banker United, Realtors®Audrey
Goldenwood West resident for seven years, specializing in Northern Hays County.
Cell 512.925.9720 |