Goldenwood West Directory Several residents have indicated that they would
find a neighborhood directory useful. However, we are aware that many residents
may not want to participate. As a result, a directory is to be published which
will be (1) on a voluntary basis only and (2) funded by resident contributions,
NOT neighborhood dues.
Property owners who are interested in participating should download the directory
form from the website, and drop the completed form into the POA box care of
Penny Jungerman. To be included in the directory you must return this form
no later than March 1, 2008. To receive a directory, please include one dollar
to cover copying costs. If property owners show sufficient interest, we hope
to reissue the directory annually.
Privacy Policy: The Goldenwood West directory will be distributed exclusively
to Goldenwood West homeowners. We ask that all recipients of the directory
use it for private purposes only. While we do not anticipate the directory
being used for other purposes, once the directory has been distributed, we
will not be able to enforce the privacy policy. As a result, homeowners who
want to ensure the privacy of their contact information may choose not to participate.
• Penny Frohlich-Jungerman
Local history: The Rise, Fall, and Resurrection of the Antioch Colony
This is my roots, my history,” said LeeDell Bunton, referring to the
seven acres of land he purchased in 1996. They are located a mile northwest
of Buda off B.C. Road. Meaning Black Colony, B.C. refers to the Antioch Colony
which was established by freed slaves.
In 1859, Joseph F. Rowley, a white man, who had emigrated from California
to Texas, purchased 490 acres near Onion Creek. After the Civil War, by selling
off tracts exclusively to freed slaves, he established a black farming settlement.
By the early 1870s, about a dozen families, many from Missouri, were living
in what became known as the Antioch or Black Colony.
The small family farms were basically subsistence in nature, so their owners
supplemented their income by working in Buda. Corn, sorghum, cotton, and
sugar cane were grown and processed in mule-powered mills. The settlement’s
heyday was in the 1920s. It had its own school district whose school served
over 50 students and was a meeting place for a Masonic Lodge and Eastern Star.
An African Methodist Church and the Antioch Cemetery had been established.
But, by the 1930s, decline had set in. In 1955, the Antioch Colony had disappeared
from the map.
LeeDell Bunton was nine years old when his family left the area. Over the
years, he made nostalgic trips back from Phoenix, vowing he would return
when he retired.
He wandered the overgrown ox-wagon roads, stopped by the limestone springs
that watered the horses and mules, and touched the rusty chain, half embedded
in a gnarly live oak, that was used during hog-killing time. There was no
trace left of his great-grandmother, Kate Bunton’s house, but the day lilies
she loved continued to thrive.
In the late 1970s, a few former residents returned and bought back their
ancestors’ land.
Gradually the colony came to life again. In 1997, the year after LeeDell Bunton
returned, the Antioch Community Church was established. Two years later, 300
people attended the first Antioch Community Reunion.
LeeDell Bunton’s land is part of the 45 acres owned by his great-great
grandparents, Dave and Mary Bunton. Extremely proud of the resurrection of
the original settlement, he hopes that, a hundred years from now, descendents
of the founding families will still reside in the Antioch Colony. After all,
he says, “This is where our beginnings were after slavery.” • © 2008
J. Marie Bassett
Marcia Tolly |
A Queen butterfly (Danaus
photographed in GWW in January 2007.
Beauty and kindness in Goldenwood West Three
groups of volunteers in our neighborhood are working to make this an even better
place to live
for all
of us, and they
are in real need of help. These groups benefit so many folks here, and
it would be great if a few new faces would step forward. Folks interested
in any of these efforts are warmly urged to contact the editor or
the administrator.
Landscape Committee This committee may
be in the most dire need of volunteers, especially with spring on the way!
No one has come forward in response to
our previous pleas for new members, and the three volunteers, who remain
from the
original committee formed three years ago, will not be able to keep up
with the overwhelming task of planning for the new growing season alone.
plants need to be inspected, a count of which ones need replacement should
be performed, and replacement plants will need to be purchased, picked
up and planted.
The many beautiful yards in our community testify to the many folks we
have among us who have landscaping talent. Members need not work on maintenance
of the common areas (our professional landscape service takes care of this).
This committee focuses on planning and overseeing the common areas to safeguard
their value and benefit to our community.
The Landscape Committee gently but urgently asks that residents consider
participating in this worthwhile project.
Welcoming Committee Eric and Mindy Russell
continue to extend a friendly hand to newcomers on behalf of the neighborhood.
They would greatly appreciate
The Appreciation Committee sends notes
of thanks to the folks who perform tasks in service to the neighborhood.
Unbeknownst to many of us, various
go about quietly changing light bulbs, fixing fence posts, fixing plumbing
and electrical problems and otherwise making things right at no charge
to the community.
Beth Blanchard leads the effort to acknowledge them, with help from Lisa
Quinn. Beth would be very glad for additional helpers. • Editor
How do residents reserve the pavilion? While the pool and common areas
are always available for the use of all residents, the community permits property
to reserve the pavilion for parties and other special occasions. When the
pavilion is in use for a private event, the pool is still available for
all residents’ use,
and the host of the private event is requested to reserve one table in
the pavilion for the use of other residents. To reserve the pavilion or
recreation area, complete
the Reservation form, available for download from the Resources
for Residents
page of our website or at the mail station. Drop the completed form in
the POA box with the refundable deposit check enclosed, and Nova will call
and confirm
• Editor and Nova Birchfield
Dumping on neighbor’s property Property owners whose lot is
on Whitetail Run have been troubled by finding dumped materials on their
property. They also
noticed two men on four-wheelers on their lot. All residents are most earnestly
reminded to respect the privacy of each of our neighbors, and to remind
their children and guests to do the same. • Editor
Pool combination changing The combination
for the pool area and tennis court is changed once a year. This year the
new combination will be in
effect on
March 1, and will be listed in statements for property owners in good standing
the next several months. Remember that the closing time for the pool and
tennis court is 10 PM. • Editor and Nova Birchfield
Want to post a notice on the bulletin board? Advertising your message is
simple for residents. All a property owner needs to do is drop the message
in the
POA box, which is generally checked daily, and Nova will place it into
the locked
board. She does exercise her discretion regarding appropriateness of items
to be posted. Many folks don’t know Nova is the person who checks the box
and also the person who maintains the bulletin board.
Also, a valuable community resource is currently under used: our online
Notices page. This page of the Goldenwood West website has four sections:
For Sale, Lost and Found, and Notices. Property owners may list messages
on the
space free of charge, and many residents have used these pages over the
years. Area
youth, in particular, are encouraged to list services they offer, such
as pet sitting, baby-sitting, or yard work there where neighbors can easily
about them. For their protection and privacy, names and contact info is
online. The web master, Margaret Paine, serves as a contact person, and
forwards enquiries to young entrepreneurs. • Editor and Nova Birchfield
J. Marie Bassett |
Frostweed (Verbesina
virginica) photographed in GWW in January 2007.
Why hasn’t PEC trimmed our trees yet? John
Anderson contacted PEC and learned that our neighborhood is on record
for making the request,
but there seems to
be some scheduling for the PEC to work out, possibly because of the size
of our neighborhood. Updates on scheduling of this service will be given
to property
owners as it becomes available. • Editor and Nova Birchfield
Board of Trustees News
New officers As most members know from earlier news , the new Trustees
elected at the December 4 meeting are Penny Frohlich-Jungerman and Steve
At their first meeting of the year, the Board determined which Trustees
would hold each of the officer positions: Sue Ponder, President; Steve
Penny Jungerman, Secretary; Audrey Pudder, Treasurer; and John Anderson,
Member-at-large and APC Liaison.
Comments or questions for members of the Board may be directed to them
through our Administrator, Nova Birchfield. Simply email Nova at or place written communications in the POA drop box at the mail station.
Burn Ban The Board is very concerned about folks violating the burn ban.
All residents are urged to avoid any burning until we are assured by
the fire department
that the period of extreme danger is at an end.
In other news The Board is still discussing what to do about the new
CCRs , and is also debating whether to join the Friendship Alliance.
And, as
owners have
learned from the budget letter, the Board has voted into effect a budget
sets the monthly dues at $22 a month for 2008. The fee adjustment became
necessary due to increased costs over the last two years.
The next meeting of the BOT will be on Tuesday, March 4 at 7 pm at the
News from the APC
The next meeting of the APC will be on Tuesday, March 4 at 6 pm at
the pavilion. Residents with questions for the APC are always welcome
attend the meetings.
POA members and visitors may speak during the public forum at the beginning
of the meeting.
News from the GWW Water Board
Wimberley is sponsoring an event on World Water Day, March 22. There
will be a speaker and information available concerning rainwater
harvesting. The Hays
Trinity Groundwater Conservation District will also participate in
the event. The event is free and open to the public. For more information
The GWW Water Board meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 7:30
pm at the pavilion. Look for a posting on the mail station, or call
the GWW
at 858-9528 to verify meeting date and time.
Water service issues should be reported as soon as possible to PGMS
at 866-643-3472.
Helpful Information
For useful reference information, such as a listing of area churches and telephone
numbers for important local contacts, please go to our neighborhood web site
at or contact
the webmaster.
This newsletter published for:
Goldenwood West
Property Owners’ Association
16200 Westview Trail
Austin, TX 78737-9068
(512) 858-9528 office
Please direct comments,
articles, email subscriptions
and inquiries regarding
advertisements to the above address.