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Goldenwood West News
November 2009

Items of Interest from the Goldenwood West POA Office
November 1, 2009

Annual Meeting Location Change
Due to a scheduling conflict with the Wizard Academy's Tuscan Hall, the location of the Goldenwood West POA Annual Meeting has been changed to the GWW Pavilion at 16200 Westview Trail. The date and time of the meeting remain the same: November 18, 2009 at 8:00 PM.

Meet the Nominees for the Board of Trustees Election
The annual election of the Goldenwood West Board of Trustees will be held at the GWW POA Annual Meeting if a quorum of 57 by vote or proxy is met. Meet our neighbors below who are interested in serving our community on the Board of Trustees:

Karen Hayward
We have lived in Goldenwood West for nearly 15 years - since December 1994. While currently retired, I worked for many years as a planner and researcher addressing public health issues of women and children.

I have participated in the neighborhood landscape committee for several years and Warren and I try to keep the trash picked up on the entry hill and other areas. You may have seen me walking in the neighborhood as I do so nearly every morning. As a member of the POA, I will aim to see that our neighborhood sustains its unique "country" atmosphere while also enjoying the positive qualities of a "neighborhood." I will strive to protect our special environment as well as to be responsive to the concerns of GWW residents.

David Jungerman

My family and I have lived in Goldenwood West for six years. We enjoy being a part of this neighborhood because it has a strong sense of community balanced with an appreciation for homeowner privacy. We believe that it is important to give back to our community with volunteer service. My wife has been on the Board for the last two years and is finishing her service. I would like an opportunity to contribute to our neighborhood as well. I see the Board as an important tool to help reach a fair balance between the needs of property owners and the needs of the community. As a member of the Board, my priority would be repairs to our neighborhood roads. I have worked for Travis County for a number of years, and believe that my knowledge of Texas county governments will help in negotiating with the Hays County Road Department and County Commissioners to improve the quality and appearance of our roads.

Dena Seligman
Greetings to my fabulous GWW neighbors! I've enjoyed living here since we built our home in 1997 and care deeply about our community. I encourage each of you to find some small way to get involved. I believe wholeheartedly you will benefit from the experience more than you can imagine, continuing to improve our community in partnership with others. Serving on the BOT is a job done out of love for the people of this neighborhood. I know this can be a difficult task at times, but the return upon the investment is more reliable than the stock market! I come with experience & a fairly good sense of humor. Having served 2 consecutive terms a few years ago, I'm a pretty safe bet. It would be my privilege to serve you again.

Board of Trustees Election Information

The Board of Trustees is the governing body of our Association and its seats are filled by five elected GWW property owners. Its duties include determining the budget for the Association, maintaining the common area, appointing and removing APC members to uphold the CCRs and overall “administering the affairs of the Association” as stated in the Bylaws.

The current 2009 Board is made up of Penny Jungerman, President; Brian Laws, Vice President; Steve Johnson, Secretary; Audrey Pudder, Treasurer; and Aleasha Brandon, member at large. Penny's and Steve's terms are expiring and Brain is resigning so our Board will have three vacant seats beginning January 2010; these seats are up for election on November 18th. The positions are to serve a full two-year term beginning January 1, 2010 and ending December 31, 2011. The three above listed GWW POA members have been nominated and other nominations may be made in person at the meeting. Approval from nominees must be obtained verbally (nominees present at the meeting) or in writing (nominees unable to attend the meeting), expressing their willingness to serve on the BOT, before they may be included on the ballot.

The covenants allow one vote for each lot owned for members in good standing. Good standing is defined as any member whose dues are not more than 30 days past due and not involved in any legal action against the GWW POA. Votes may be cast in person or by proxy. If you are unable to attend the election meeting, you may complete the enclosed Official Proxy form and assign your proxy to another GWW POA member who will attend the meeting and file and vote your proxy. You may assign the proxy to Nova Birchfield and drop it into the GWW POA box at the GWW mail station. Nova is the GWW Administrator and a GWW POA member and will vote your proxy as instructed. If you attend the meeting, you may vote by ballot which will be provided at the meeting. All proxies shall be in writing and filed with the Secretary, Steve Johnson, before the beginning of the meeting. Proxies dropped at the mail station or otherwise sent to the Administrator will be filed by the deadline. Steve will be available at 7:30 PM on the day of the meeting to receive proxies. Proxies must be filed with Steve before the meeting is called to order. Once the meeting has been called to order, voting will be by ballot only. All attending property owners will be asked to vote by ballot rather than proxy.

Candidates may also be nominated and voted for at the meeting. Blank spaces are provided on the proxy for candidates to be written in; however, these candidates must be members in good standing, nominated in person and present at the meeting.

All property owners are invited to vote. The Secretary must receive votes from 1/3 of the neighborhood or 57 total votes by ballot or proxy to constitute a quorum at the meeting on November 18th. If a quorum is not achieved, the BOT elections will not take place that night and will be postponed to an Adjourned Meeting on Saturday, November 21, 2009 at 10:00 AM at the Pavilion. Our Bylaws allow the officers to be elected at the Adjourned Meeting by only the votes present and do not require a quorum. If you vote by proxy, your proxy will be valid for both the November 18th meeting and also the Adjourned Meeting if necessary.

Newsletter News

An editor for our Goldenwood West newsletter has been found. Margaret Paine, our previous newsletter editor provides an introduction: “Her name is Rabbi Raine Teller, and she moved into GWW in the last year. Rabbi Raine (yes, she really is a Rabbi!) is enthusiastic, positive, and well qualified to edit a newsletter. To quote her, "I was the first female and the first sophomore to be chosen as the Editor-in-Chief of the Montclarion at Montclair State University back in the early 60's and I've been doing this kind of work ever since." I hope you'll join me in welcoming Rabbi Raine to our neighborhood, and also support her in this service to our community. She sends the following message:

"I am still aiming for the first issue to be in December...sort of a Happy Holidays kind of thing...Can you ask if anyone got a picture of the water crossing last week when it flowed fast and closed the road for a while? Please let people know we are planning a December Holiday Issue and ask if anyone has anything to contribute. You may give my e-mail address. I would really like something from the children of the, art work, a story or a poem...I am open to anything. Rabbi Raine Teller,"

Our GWW Treasurer, Audrey Pudder, recommends that property owners change their POA billing method to emailed billing (E-Statements) in order to save POA costs on paper, ink and postage. All pool and tennis court combination updates and messages from the Board or POA office now being sent with your monthly statements can be communicated through email. The only post office mailing to property owners required by the Bylaws is information regarding the Annual Meeting and distribution of the Annual Budget. To add your name to the list of property owners receiving E-Statements, please contact the Administrator:

APC Yard of the Month

The Architectural & Protective Committee proudly recognizes Ron and Linda McGuire of 8207 Lone Deer Run for their outstanding yard for the month of October. The committee thanks Ron and Linda for maintaining a well-kept yard which adds value to our neighborhood.

Please visit our neighborhood website for community information and updates:

Upcoming Meetings
11/12/2009 – APC @ 6:30 PM at the pavilion.
11/18/2009 – Annual Meeting @ 8:00 PM at the pavilion.

Business Sponsor

Marsh-Vorspan Partners
Office Phone: (512) 450-0305
Office Fax: (512) 292-1493

Marsh-Vorspan is a member of NARI, the National Association of the Remodeling Industry, Austin Energy Green Building Program, HBA Greater Austin and the Better Business Bureau. We are also a Certified Remodeler, certified by NARI.


Helpful Information

For useful reference information, such as a listing of area churches and telephone numbers for important local contacts, please go to our neighborhood web site at or contact the webmaster.

This newsletter published for:

Goldenwood West
Property Owners’ Association
16200 Westview Trail
Austin, TX 78737-9068
(512) 858-9528 office

Please direct comments, articles, email subscriptions and inquiries regarding advertisements to the above address.

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