Items of Interest from the Goldenwood West POA Office
June 1, 2011
Neighborhood E-mail Network Change
As of June 1st, Margaret Paine is stepping down from the role of GWW neighborhood e-mail coordinator. Her duties first began in January 2004 as the editor of the Goldenwood West newsletter, published dually in print and digitally and e-mailed to neighborhood recipients. Later, along with resident Rick Bondurant, she became Neighborhood Watch coordinator for GWW, and shared the task of not only forwarding weekly neighborhood watch e-mails from the sheriff's department but also meeting notices, snake sightings and other important GWW neighborhood information. Last month, the sheriff’s department changed the way it reports criminal activity and Margaret has decided this is an appropriate time to hand off the duties of neighborhood e-mail coordinator (along with the list of property owner e-mail addresses) to the POA office and the GWW Administrator. If you do not wish to have your e-mail included in the list, please contact the Administrator.
As of June 1st, the GWW Administrator, Nova Birchfield, will serve as the contact for receiving, forwarding and sending neighborhood e-mails pertaining to the business of our neighborhood including POA meeting announcements, pool notices, pavilion/common area party notices, water information, snake sightings and community meeting announcements. Lost pet notices will no longer be sent out via e-mail; however property owners are encouraged to post lost pet notices, political information and advertising on the right side or "Neighbor" side of the community bulletin board at the mail station. (Just drop your posting into the white POA box at the mail station and it will be added to the bulletin board.) Also, our neighborhood website has a Lost and Found section on the Notices page, which currently is rarely used. If you would like to use it, please view it here:
Please note that the GWW e-mail network is separate from the e-Statement Program, which sends monthly billing e-statements and notices and correspondence from the Board and POA office through e-mail instead of regular mail. If you are already receiving neighborhood e-mails and Neighborhood Watch e-mails and would also like to receive your monthly statement and pool code through e-mail, please contact the Administrator.
The Board of Trustees sends a special thank you to Margaret for her years of dedicated service. To contact the Administrator, please e-mail:
Recreation Area Reservations
In an effort to maintain the health of our pool filter over the busy summer weekends and also to keep the recreation area available to all property owners, the Board of Trustees has agreed to limit the number of party reservations per weekend to two. The recreation area is open every day from 6 AM – 10 PM and reservations may be made by property owners in good standing (account current or no more than 30 days past due) for priority usage of either the pavilion or picnic area, or both. As a courtesy to other property owners, the Board asks that reservations be made at least seven days in advance. A reservation form with more information may be obtained from the Administrator or found at the mail station and on the neighborhood website under “Resources for Residents”.
Yard of the Month
The Architectural & Protective Committee (APC) proudly recognizes property owners John and Marcia Tolly of 16212 Crystal Hills Drive for June’s Yard of the Month. Congratulations to our neighbors, the committee thanks John and Marcia for maintaining a well-kept and tasteful yard.
e-Statement Program
Seventy-seven GWW property owners are receiving this month’s statements through the e-Statement program. This service saves POA dollars on paper, ink, postage and employee wages. To date, the e-Statement Program sends monthly e-mails which include a statement of account, the new gate code to the pool and tennis court if changing, the monthly Items of Interest if published and any notices or messages from the GWW Board of Trustees and POA office. To sign up for the e-Statement Program and opt out of regular mail mailings from the POA office, please contact Nova at
Upcoming Meetings
06/14/2011 – APC @ 6:30 PM at the pavilion.
Business Sponsor
To sponsor this community outreach newsletter, and at the same time advertise your business to all of our property owners residents and visitors, please contact the webmaster. |