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Goldenwood West News
May 2012

Items of Interest from the Goldenwood West POA Office
May 1, 2012

Upcoming Meetings:
Water Board, 5/14/2012, 7:00 PM, Pavilion
APC, 5/15/2012, 6:30 PM, Pavilion
Board of Trustees, 5/21/2012, 7:00 PM, Pavilion

Crystal Hills Intersection Update

As many of you know from the neighborhood e-mail network, construction is beginning on the Crystal Hills Drive and 1826 intersection and the safety of two century oak trees near the curve at the Crystal Hills bridge is now being threatened by a temporary road. The county’s original plans protected the two trees, but we have learned that a temporary road needed for two-way traffic during the bridge construction is planned to run dangerously close to the trees and their root systems.
County Commissioner Ray Whisenant has heard concerns from many residents in the neighborhood and notified us today, May 2nd, that “documents are being prepared to hopefully establish a temporary construction easement” through the horse pasture to the north of Crystal Hills Drive. This change would route the temporary road needed for the planned bridge construction away from the two trees in question. He also said he would forward any new information to us as it becomes available.

If you are not receiving neighborhood e-mails and would like to be included, please contact the Administrator at

For those who would like to know more about the planned safety improvements to the bridge and intersection that were announced at a December community meeting hosted by Mr. Whisenant, below is a reprint from the March 2012 Items of Interest:

Hays County is planning several improvements to the Crystal Hills Drive and 1826 intersection. Plans include replacing the bridge on Crystal Hills Drive, raising the Crystal Hills roadway at 1826 approximately 4½ to 5 feet to meet 1826 at a gentler slope and adding a turn lane to 1826. The county plans to start the project in April with a completion date following six to eight months later. The county has drawn the plans with both safety and aesthetics in mind. The new bridge improvements will prevent the bridge from overtopping in a 100-year flood event and will capture the charm of the old bridge with a stone-façade-arch structure with open railing. The plans have also allowed the old legacy oaks at the curve near the bridge to be preserved. During construction, the county plans to build a temporary bridge to facilitate two-way traffic crossing the creek.

Road Construction Update

The crews are back and working on our roads. We should see a chip seal surface like the already completed roads next door in Goldenwood when the project is completed.

Vacancy on the Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees thanks Aleasha Brandon for her three years of service on the Board as she steps down for the remainder of her term.

The empty seat offers an opportunity for property owners who wish to participate in the management of the neighborhood to get involved. If you are interested in serving the remainder of Aleasha’s term through November of this year, please contact the Administrator or attend the next BOT meeting on May 21, 2012 at 7:00 PM at the pavilion.

Paul Laird is currently serving as President, Karen Hayward as Vice President, Mark Ruthenbeck as Secretary and David Jungerman as Treasurer.

e-Statement Program

This month, 81 GWW property owners are receiving their statement through the e-Statement Program. This service saves POA dollars on paper, ink, postage and employee wages. To date, the e-Statement Program sends monthly e-mails that include a statement of account, the new gate code to the pool and tennis court if changing, the monthly Items of Interest if published and any notices or messages from the GWW Board of Trustees and POA office. To sign up for the e-Statement Program and opt out of regular mail mailings from the POA office, please contact the Administrator.

Bike Rack in the Recreation Area

The Board of Trustees is proud to announce the addition of a bicycle rack to the recreation area. Discussion about the need for a bike rack arose last fall when the school bus stops were consolidated to one stop at the mail station. The bike rack will provide a visible place for children to secure their bikes while taking the bus to school and for property owners to use when visiting the pool and tennis court. The rack is mounted with rebar hooks in cement for security.

Save the Date – National Night Out, October 2, 2012

Representatives from the Hays County Sheriff’s Department will attend our Annual NNO to discuss the Neighborhood Watch program and answer any questions you may have about the sheriff’s department. This is a positive community-building event for our neighborhood and presents an opportunity for property owners new and old to meet.

The sheriff’s department reminds us that the best way to keep a Neighborhood Watch program strong is to bring people together to talk about it.

If you are not receiving Neighborhood Watch e-mails and would like to participate, please send an e-mail to

Business Sponsor

To sponsor this community outreach newsletter, and at the same time advertise your business to all of our property owners residents and visitors, please contact the webmaster.



Helpful Information

For useful reference information, such as a listing of area churches and telephone numbers for important local contacts, please go to our neighborhood web site at or contact the webmaster.

This newsletter published for:

Goldenwood West
Property Owners’ Association
16200 Westview Trail
Austin, TX 78737-9068
(512) 858-9528 office

Please direct comments, articles, email subscriptions and inquiries regarding advertisements to the above address.

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      Apr May